Tour Our School


We welcome you to take a peek at the photos of our school.  Please click on the first photo to view the slide show in full screen . 

We have 5 classrooms, 3 of our classrooms have bathrooms and sink areas,  diaper changing areas for the little tots and infants in our 3 younger classrooms, all our classrooms have security cameras, a bathroom directly off the playground area so teachers never have to leave the playground area while recess is in session, our playground has a great sun shade that covers over 90% of the playground, security cameras around the entire school, our ground cover is faux grass with shock padding throughout the entire playground for added safety, we have 2 drinking fountains that run ice cold water for the hot months in Florida, and lots of great toys to play with too. 

We have a lot to see so enjoy the slide show then call Miss Sandra for a tour at 941-927-2324 or just stop by when you can.  

We take great pride in our school, the care we provide, and the educational methods we use each and everyday!